David Lorenz Winston


Deep appreciation to David Lorenz Winston for his permission to use the below images in my Home page slider. There's a magical, painterly quality to David's photographs. They capture nature's moments of colorful aliveness.

My imagery is about discovery. It takes me to places I have never been, places that free me from the pressures of a clock driven world, places that heal. I'm most excited when in tune with the underlying flow and energy of the ordinary. I seek to reveal the essence of a moment or place gone unnoticed. I love showing things in new ways, using the elements of surprise, mystery and playfulness, fused with design and movement.

vivienne mcmaster


Vivienne, a gifted photographer and my favorite “Selfie Self-Care Warrior,” has generously given her permission to use the below images in my Home page slider. In my search to find someone to update my About page photos, I lucked out when I found Vivienne’s Be Your Own Beloved website. My portrait session with her was so comfortable and so much fun. No surprise, given her motto is “Playfulness is an antidote to fear.” In addition to offering Beloved Portrait Sessions, Vivienne has created courses and resources for “exploring self-compassion & body acceptance though self-portraiture.”

Sarah moon + co

Website design

In creating my website, Sarah Moon provided “beautiful design and intelligent strategy” with extraordinary patience, good humor, and a deep understanding of feminist issues. She also made me some wicked delicious avocado toast! 


darling DESIGN studio


I know I’m not the only one who obsessed for way too long about designing my logo. Fortunately I found Christine Castro Hughes who provided her “fresh and friendly approach to branding and creative direction.” By “combining delightful details with smart design,” she helped me get the job done, finally.


leslie robison of mastery coaching & consulting


Deep bow to Leslie for helping me organize my thoughts, business, house, and life. She is not only a skillful and patient organizer and business coach, but also a valued and dear friend. 


derek walcott


The following excerpts on my Home page slider are from Derek Walcott’s “Love After Love” poem in Collected Poems, 1948 – 1984 published in 1986 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

...love again the stranger who was yourself
Give back your heart to itself
Feast on your life